Last chance
Last few hours of your opportunity to download Ring Fenced for only 99c / 99p -final day. When most folk struggle to cope with one life,...
Time Running Out
There’s still an opportunity to download Ring Fenced for only 99c / 99p - last few days When most folk struggle to cope with one life,...

Sahara Foley's Q&A about RING FENCED
Sahara Foley has newly published an interview with Zach discussing Ring Fenced. You can klink to the full interview at...

Easter EGGstra special offer
For a limited period, the ebook version of Zach Abram’s ‘Ring Fenced’ can be downloaded from Amazon at the very special price of only 99c...
special offer
Elly Grant's exciting thriller 'Death at Presley Park' is on offer at a special price of only 99c /99p from Amazon between 16 and 22...
High Amazon ranking for SOURCE
Source now ranked #9 financial thriller on amazon .com thanks to everyone who's helped – At 99c/99p, MORE THAN 80% OFF, SOURCE is on...
thanks for helping
Thanks to all friends and colleagues who helped my promotion. Written to Death has ranked #1 in multiple Amazon categories and #62...
newly posted author interview
New interview posted on the Pretty Hot website http://pretty-hot.com/category/author-interviews/
Made a Killing - audio
Alastair Greener has now completed narration of the audiobook version of Made a Killing. It's now going through conversion and will be...
The audiobook version of RING FENCED, narrated by Andrew Werner is now available on Audible, Amazon and iTunes