Newly released - prequel to Alex Warren Series My Night to Remember One Saturday morning in 2008, Fraser McCourt awakens to a nightmare....

Limited time offer on Written to Death
Did you realise how dangerous it is to be a writer? In this case, a sword (or rather the knife) is mightier than the pen. When author...

Easter Surprise
It was a wonderful surprise to find ‘133 Hours’ listed as #1 on amazon.com bestseller ranks for both Contemporary British Fiction and...

Countdown offer for '133 Hours' lasting 120 hours
Somewhat ironically, there's a countdown offer for the ebook version of my thriller '133 hours' being available from Amazon for only 99p...

Top Genre Feature
Three of my books have been featured in top genre lists on my publisher’s new blog My thriller ‘133 Hours’ has been featured in best...

ads for 133 Hours
My publisher has started a facebook ads campaign for my book. Please like and share it to help its effectiveness....

133 Hours on special offer
The ebook version of ‘133 Hours’ is on special offer for only 99c / 99p but only until 29 Sept http://mybook.to/133 Adopted at birth,...

A Measure of Trouble - #1 bestseller on Amazon
Last Monday I had the lovely surprise to see that A Measure of Trouble had multiple-category, Amazon #1 bestseller tags in both Canada...

The Price of '133 HOURS' is discounted (but only for 96 hours)
Awakening, with no memory, sick and in pain after being missing for 133 Hours, what could have happened to Briony? She has to find out!...

Made a Killing on offer
99c ebook offer from Amazon until 13 June, Zach Abram's thriller, 'Made a Killing.' The first novel of his Alex Warren Murder Mystery...