Ring Fenced Blog Tour - 9- 15 Sept
While I'm on a blog tour featuring RING FENCED from 9-15 Sept you can buy the ebook fro only 99c /99p

And there's more
Two weeks after the end of ‘Made a Killings’s” promotion and it and it’s sequel are still sitting high up on the Amaxon charts(all books...

Christmas Promo
We’ll all suffer if the banks collapse! Fearing financial Armageddon, Tom, Sally and Ahmed strive to find the root cause. The foe they...

new book blurbs
StartFragmentnew book blurbs are live on the CREATIVIA website for SOURCE link to http://www.creativia.org/financial-thriller-with-a-uniq...

another special offer
Starting on Saturday 30 April and running until Friday 6 May, SOURCE; A Fast-Paced Financial Thriller will be available on amazon to...

Easter EGGstra special offer
For a limited period, the ebook version of Zach Abram’s ‘Ring Fenced’ can be downloaded from Amazon at the very special price of only 99c...
High Amazon ranking for SOURCE
Source now ranked #9 financial thriller on amazon .com thanks to everyone who's helped – At 99c/99p, MORE THAN 80% OFF, SOURCE is on...