Guest Author
Today (11 June 2020), I have been invited to be guest author on the 'We Love AJs Award Winning Books' facebook group -
my starting post is
I’d like to thank A.j. Griffiths-Jones for giving me the opportunity to be this week’s guest author and thereby being complicit in allowing me to bore you with information about myself and my books.
Me: I was born and raised in Glasgow. Although I’m still based in this area, I normally spend about four months of each year living in a small spa town in the French Pyrenees. Whether it’s because of the slower pace of life, the clean air or the quirkiness of the place and its people, I don’t know, but I find it inspirational for creative writing. [Then again, the profusion of good quality inexpensive local wines may also have some influence.]
Although writing has been an integral part of my career in business and finance, it wasn’t until the last few years that I turned to writing fiction (assuming you don’t include the fantasy elements of business plans and tax returns).
To date, I have eight full length books published. In addition I co-wrote (along with my wife, author, Elly Grant) a book of short stories.
Of the eight books, I have four novels in my Alex Warren murder mystery series, three standalone thrillers and one non-fiction guidebook for landlords of residential property.
Through today, I plan to share information about each of my books but I’d also be pleased to chat and answer any questions you have. So please feel free to ask.
