Where has the time gone?
It's now less than 133 hours to go until the ebook of '133 Hours' is launched But you can preorder now - http://mybook.to/133 ebookhttp://mybook.to/133hourspb paperbackhttp://mybook.to/133hourslp paperback large print.
Arriving at work to find she’s lost more than five-and-a-half days (133 hours), Briony Chaplin, has no recollection of where she’d been or what had happened to her. She is distraught. Has she been ill, or had a breakdown, or could she have been drugged and abducted?
Doubting her own sanity, Briony is fearful of what she’ll find. Yet she’s driven to discover the truth. When she trawls her memories, she’s terrified by visions, believing she may have been abused and raped.
Assisted by her friends Alesha and Jenny, and supported by a retired detective, she’s determined to learn where she’s been and why.