Discount offer from Elly grant
This is the last day of 99c promotion on Elly Grants' Palm Trees in the Pyrenees - the first of her superb Death in the Pyrenees series...

And there's more
Two weeks after the end of ‘Made a Killings’s” promotion and it and it’s sequel are still sitting high up on the Amaxon charts(all books...

What a Week
It's been quite a week. The promotion on 'Made a Killing' was a runaway success resulting in it reaching #1 (all books) on Amazon in US,...

Make a saving on 'Made a Killing'
Free ebook from Amazon from 11 until 15 Nov, Zach Abram's thriller, 'Made a Killing.' It's the first novel of my Alex Warren Murder...

Make a saving on 'Made a Killing'
Special Offer ebook from Amazon for 0nly 99c/99p from now until 17 Aug, Zach Abram's thriller, 'Made a Killing.' It's the first novel of...
Another Free Offer
Palm Trees .in the Pyrenees. FREE 9 – 13 August Elly Grant’s Quirky detective mystery set in small town France. Get your copy NOW...
Gift from a friend - FREE BOOK
A lone gunman, a family picnic, carnage! Why? Who was responsible? How could it happen? Elly Grant’s exciting thriller ‘Death at Presley...

Make a saving on 'Made a Killing'
Free ebook from Amazon from 29 Jan until 1 Feb, Zach Abram's thriller, 'Made a Killing.' It's the first novel of his Alex Warren Murder...

As a special Halloween gift - Zach Abrams is giving you a new FREE scary short story (printed in full below or on a link) AND the chance...

New special offer coming up soon
From 23 to 29 August, the newly re-released version of Made a Killing will be on special offer from Amazon at only 99c /99p. Get your...