Guest Author
Today (11 June 2020), I have been invited to be guest author on the 'We Love AJs Award Winning Books' facebook group - ...

133 Hours is high in rankings
The promotion for 133 Hours has now finished but it's still riding high in rankings - As of this morning, on Amazon UK, '133 Hours' is...

133 HOURS - final day of promotion and still #1
Today is last day of promotion for 133 Hours so get you your free copy before it's too late As of this morning, on Amazon UK, '133 Hours'...

133 Hours is #1 Suspense Thriller on Amazon UK
As of this morning, on Amazon UK, '133 Hours' is - #1 in British & Irish Contemporary Literature #1 in Psychological Fiction #1 in...

133 Hours is #1 Contemporary Literature in UK
As of this morning, on Amazon UK, '133 Hours' is - #1 in British & Irish Contemporary Literature #2 in Psychological Fiction #4 in...

133 Hours for Free
Returning, with no memory, sick and in pain after being missing for 133 Hours, what could have happened to Briony? She has to find out!...

Made a Killing still at #1
made a killing is now off promotion but it's still holding #1 position for 'paid for' in uk for urban fiction and other high positions in...

Make a Saving on Make a Killing
Free ebook from Amazon from 9 until 13 March, Zach Abram's thriller, 'Made a Killing.' The first novel of his Alex Warren Murder Mystery...

Be Afraid
Be afraid, be very afraid - a psychopathic sociopath is on the loose (author as well as protagonist). Elly Grant's ebook The Coming of...

entertaining with likable characters and a creative story line
#Offer at #99c / 99p from #Amazon #Now ‘Offender of the Faith’ latest novel from the #bestselling Alex Warren Murder Mystery series by...