A wonderful 5* review from Ally's Reading Corner
Another wonderful review this 5* from https://allysreadingcorner.wordpress.com/ Wow … this book was a fantastic read … I loved the...
Thanks https://barbsbookclub.wordpress.com/ for a great review
Thanks https://barbsbookclub.wordpress.com/ for a great review Having recently found a love for all books thriller I was very excited to...
Another terrific review of 133 Hours
Feed the crime blogsite https://feedthecrime.wordpress.com/2020/01/20/133-hours-a-review-authorway-rararesources-publicationpush/ has...
It's publication day for 133 Hours! and more reviews
Today is 20 January, publication day for 133 Hours. Latest review just in from https://nickislifeofcrime.blogspot.com/2020/01/publicati...
From Helen Goltz - Another brilliant 5* review of 133 Hours
Thank you Helen for this wonderful review - ' I was 'captured' from the first page. This is a great mystery thriller that moves along...

Great Review for 133 Hours from Shalini
I was so happy reading this book, not only because it was written well, but also due to the fact that I could guess the plot. Gosh, I...
My review of 'Black Sparrow' by A.j.Griffiths-Jones
A joy to read Uzma is a love-struck, runaway, Asian teenager, her family desperate to find her. Colin is an English hitman seeking to...

Where has the time gone?
It's now less than 133 hours to go until the ebook of '133 Hours' is launched But you can preorder now - http://mybook.to/133 ...

6 days to go
Only six days to go until the ebook of 133 Hours is launched But you can preorder now - http://mybook.to/133 ebook...

Audiobook of 'Written to Death' is now live
The audiobook version of my thriller, Written to Death, narrated by George Elington, is now live on both Amazon and Audible. Written to...